Unleash the Voice Within

Empowering women to amplify their authenic voice and transform their lives

Wild Voices gives you the tools you need to (re)connect with yourself, your true voice so you can make meaningful connections, inspire change and drive success.

Wild Voices aims to transform the relationship you have with your voice. Combining movement, breath and nature connection with the life-changing art form of vocal improvisation, your voice will become an instrument of self-expression, creativity, and personal growth.

Connect to your body, your voice and the land in deeper ways!

“Claire is an upbeat and holistic teacher. I trust her experience and love her approach to voice work - learning with movement, laughter and anatomy all playing important parts. I’m grateful to have found an ally whose lessons not only guide me to sing, but allow my soul to speak.“

Lizzie Sutherland, Wild Roots client in the Highlands

“The human voice is the organ of the soul”

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Wild Voices offers a hybrid of vocal opportunities and chances to connect with the natural world, from One-One Vocal Lessons to Seasonal Voice Workshops in the woods.

Take a look below at what’s coming up and start your vocal play today!

  • one-to-one VOICE EXPLORATION

    An approach to voice exploration that goes beyond traditional vocal training. Are you ready to transform your life, unleash your creativity and learn how to use your voice to live well?


    An immersive vocal journey designed to free your voice through a unique blend of movement, breath work and creative vocal music-making.


    A supportive weekly drop-in session to help you connect and listen to your body, free your voice and tap into your innate creativity.